Low blow

By Anonymous - 09/01/2015 20:16 - United States

Today, I tried baking my own bread to save food money. Unfortunately I screwed it up, prompting my wife to look at me pityingly and say "Wow, can't get even bread to rise." before walking out. I have erectile dysfunction, and she constantly insults me like this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 870
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Astrum14 24

You should inform her that there is a major psychological aspect to erectile dysfunction. If you're constantly worried about getting it up, you'll have a more difficult time getting it up. Comments like that will just make it worse.


Check out the advice of Dan Savage. He not only has a column in TheStranger but also a podcast. Get yourself some side tail. My partner and I have a Very satisfying intimate life even with the limitations of his whole "no sex before marriage" beliefs. It is an adjustment but it totally works. If she can't respect you some serious changes need to be made.

wow, how rude and inconsiderate of her.. she seems no where to be supportive to make this marriage work

I hate women like that they make us seem bad, op please explain why u married her

Demeaning you isn't going to help the situation at all - it may be time to seek medical care if you haven't already or to talk with her about her shitty attitude.

that is verbal abuse, you should take it. if I was in a relationship like that, where they always verbally abused me, I would divorce them. Being told stuff like that makes it way worse then it already is and it's harder to forget about all the things they said.

I want to signal abuse on this its so messed up.

sweetnsourrr 11

Your wife is awful, she would have given me a "erectile dysfunction " too.

women get jokes like that all the time for the smallest stuff. the worlds not so nice when a guy has a problem that cant be fixed. i dont know the situation but im pretty sure its Karma

Ianamis 6

No they don't if you dare insult a woman in our culture you're looked at as a bastard,but insulting a man is perfectly okay. Live in ******* reality.