Low blow

By Anonymous - 09/01/2015 20:16 - United States

Today, I tried baking my own bread to save food money. Unfortunately I screwed it up, prompting my wife to look at me pityingly and say "Wow, can't get even bread to rise." before walking out. I have erectile dysfunction, and she constantly insults me like this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 870
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Astrum14 24

You should inform her that there is a major psychological aspect to erectile dysfunction. If you're constantly worried about getting it up, you'll have a more difficult time getting it up. Comments like that will just make it worse.


That is extremely harsh of her. Erectile dysfunction is something out of your control and is very frustrating. If that's how she feels and she can't be mature enough to deal with such a sensitive issue, the maybe you need to have a talk with her. I would tell her to go to some other guy if she can't deal with it. Honestly, why are people so insensitive? FYL, indeed when you have a spouse so bitter about something neither of you can control.

Tell her she isn't helping you to rise to the occasion, either, with that attitude. Your wife is being very disrespectful towards you; tall to her about not insulting you like that. I'm sure she wouldn't tolerate it if you did that to her.

I'd tell her she's the main cause of your ED. Is there a reason you think you deserve to be constantly belittled OP? This can't be a cuckold situation otherwise you wouldn't have posted. I hope things get better for you.

99% sure he will get f'ed in the divorce courts. It almost always happens to men.

Maybe if you found yourself a new wife you may rise to the occasion

you need to have a talk with her. thats degeading of anyone to say let alone yoyr wife who you love.

That is horrible of her to say.. And making bread is ******* hard

ea247 20

thats really messed up it would be like if you teased her about menopause insted of being bitchy about is she should be helping you isnt a wife suppose to be there for better or wrose