Luck of the draw

By smallmediumatlrg - 25/06/2009 19:17 - United States

Today, I went to a yard sale and found a cute plush duck. I sent a pic of it to my friend with the message "Jackpot!" I guess she didn't see the pic because she called me up all excited, thinking my boyfriend of 6 years finally proposed to me. "No, I said, I just found a big duck for $1." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 435
You deserved it 7 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you will have the duck if your relationship doesnt work out. Duck me.

actually OUR lives are ****** for having to read this pointless FML


lol awww, a plush duck for a dollar, tats kind of cute seriously lol, dun worry getting married doesnt mean much, 6 years means u love each other

This isn't an FML, it's a misunderstanding. If you're saying "**** my life because by boyfriend of 6 years hasn't proposed to me yet" then patience is all that is required! It'll come, if it should.

Kupokupupo 0

lol. jackpot! = big duck for $1

IzzehEatsYouuu_ 0

Are you COMPLETELY missing the point? Good lord. Pay attention in English, please

IzzehEatsYouuu_ 0

Oh my god, everyone saying: "Uhhh.. I don't get it..", GTHO of this screen. It's been explained, and you're all ignoring it, so GTFO, kthxbai. Now. There is only this question standing: Why did the MODs put this through?!! Seriously. Tbh, this whole "FML" could have been avoided, by saying: JACKPOT, I FOUND A PLUSHIE DUCK FOR $1! Not difficult. But, w/e. Each to their own. O.O

St0rm11 0

I think "TheUnthinkable " was one of the few who actually understood the FML. People need to learn to think out of the box, especially sinse most FML's need you to. I laughed. =)

don't worry the proposing thong will happen but the duck is what you'll always remember :p

Most of the time I appreciate the efforts of OP's sharring the FML situations they either really experiance or make up but really OP here, don't care. And BAMN!