Luck of the draw
By smallmediumatlrg - 25/06/2009 19:17 - United States
By smallmediumatlrg - 25/06/2009 19:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 04:38 - France
By Anonymous - 07/08/2021 05:59
By Anonymous - 11/05/2014 22:49 - United States - Belmont
By Anonymous - 15/06/2012 17:12 - United States - Salem
By Still No Ring - 15/06/2016 21:49 - United States - Lisbon
By anonymous - 08/01/2013 00:21 - United States
By samgonzalessb - 14/12/2009 17:00 - United States
By jentea - 05/09/2010 02:22 - Canada
By Galaxy - 29/03/2014 17:03 - Belgium - Guigoven
By purrfect :/ - 07/07/2016 22:34
lol awww, a plush duck for a dollar, tats kind of cute seriously lol, dun worry getting married doesnt mean much, 6 years means u love each other
This isn't an FML, it's a misunderstanding. If you're saying "**** my life because by boyfriend of 6 years hasn't proposed to me yet" then patience is all that is required! It'll come, if it should.
Oh my god, everyone saying: "Uhhh.. I don't get it..", GTHO of this screen. It's been explained, and you're all ignoring it, so GTFO, kthxbai. Now. There is only this question standing: Why did the MODs put this through?!! Seriously. Tbh, this whole "FML" could have been avoided, by saying: JACKPOT, I FOUND A PLUSHIE DUCK FOR $1! Not difficult. But, w/e. Each to their own. O.O
how the **** is this an fml
haha duck for a buck
don't worry the proposing thong will happen but the duck is what you'll always remember :p
Most of the time I appreciate the efforts of OP's sharring the FML situations they either really experiance or make up but really OP here, don't care. And BAMN!
Well at least you will have the duck if your relationship doesnt work out. Duck me.
actually OUR lives are ****** for having to read this pointless FML