Never say easy

By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 19:22 - United States

Today, I decided to make pancakes from scratch. I poured the batter in my Perfect Pancake pan. Then I told my brother who was watching, "This is so easy. Just watch." I burned 15 pancakes, including the one I dropped on the burner, which lit on fire, causing the alarm to go off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 431
You deserved it 53 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh no! you're life sucks cuz you can't make a pancake.

iHavetoPiss 0


easylazy 0

WOWOW maybe you should sign up for a pancake making class?...

yeah i wouldnt become a chef if i were you

Why do assholes like you abuse the reply button

alliewillie 22

It blows my mind that it took you 15 tries before you gave up...

IHOP is for incompetent assholes like you! Leave the hard jobs to the pros, you stupid ****.

realggirl 0
elementme 0

Your unnecessary, did you not read this before you commented, "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful."

Have you seen anyone take that guideline seriously? This place would be awfully boring if they did.

... I don't get what's so funny... you're just a horrible cook not fyl

oh no! you're life sucks cuz you can't make a pancake.

easylazy 0

Yea this is definitely not an FML It would only be funny if the pancake lit on fire and fell down your pants or something and gave you a third degree burn on your crotch or permanently burned off your pubes But otherwise, this is no biggie

Emma Marshall 19

Your life sucks because you don't know which your/you're to use

Emma Marshall 19

Your life sucks because you don't know which your/you're to use

manoverboard 0

Wow. You're the reason for world hunger, you pancake-waster.

iHavetoPiss 0

You're stupid. How is the cause for world hunger? Stupid, you are, for over reacting.

jncwmnd 0

LOL..and wow #13 you cant take a joke? OP-who the hell taught you how to cook? Turn down the heat next time..I hope your brother made fun of you =p

"You're stupid. How is the cause for world hunger?" anyone else see the irony here? And in any case, how could you possibly take this seriously?

iHavetoPiss 0

Learn how to cook.. maybt you should start off with a sandwich or eggs!

easylazy 0


lego_15 0
