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Make up tutorial

By Bunni - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I was tinting my own eyelashes when I missed my eyelashes and stabbed myself in the eye with the applicator loaded with dye. Now, I have beautiful lush black eyelashes, to match my half-closed swollen red left eye. Sexy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 988
You deserved it 30 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Um..I've done that a lot of times..and it only stays red for like 10 min..def not an FML, maybe an FMnext10minutes..

Just wear an eye-patch. Guys love pirates.


Yea it's called mascara. And if you get it in your eye it doesn't do much exept make ur eye water. You should try it sometime. Much safer.

Why are girls so obsessed with their appearance?

Intellectualist 0

because: Girls just wanna have fun.

two reasons: Men, and Media. The media has an exact picture of what a beautiful woman is, therefore all woman feel inferior so they need to buy the products that make them that beautiful. And men, there are some men who only care about looks, maybe OP has only had experience with these types of men.

I guess women are too stupid to think for themselves and need men and the media to tell them what they should do. You're working against your own beliefs here, #27. Women have a mind of their own, just because the media says "You need to be super skinny and perfect" or whatever, you don't have to do that, or lose your self esteem. Men have pressure from the media as well but you never hear them complaining about it like some women do.

Intellectualist 0
blow_chlo 0

why don't you just **** off. women are being told constantly how to look. we aren't stupid and we CAN think for ourselves.

My first sentence was sarcastic, though it seems to apply to you quite well. The point of my post was that, yeah, girls are told to look pretty by the media, but that doesn't mean they HAVE to, because they have minds of their own. And also that men have pressure from the media as well, but don't bitch about it as often as many women do. Good job making your gender look like the inferior one, though. You're doing a great job at ruining it for smart girls.

Sometimes girls care about themselves and like to make themselves feel pretty. It's not a bad feeling at all, and it's not always influenced by what someone ELSE thinks about them. That's if they're confident and really don't give a shit. But most women aren't like that, sadly. Oh well.

oarisimo 4

how the hell does tinting her lashes make her obsessed??? just because a girl does things to enhance her appearance doesn't mean she's obsessed. some are, but not all. good lord...

Usually the guys in the media look normal, there are a few good looking guys but there is a lot more pressure on us. Even on family guy for example. Lois is the perfect trophy wife and Peter is a fat dumbass but no one cares because he's funny. And they always make fun of Meg because shes ugly? That's one example, but the media really is harsher on women.

YDI for caring about eyelashes... Mascara can be hot, but nobody really notices eyelashes.

Intellectualist 0

Actually, long eyelashes are the difference between pretty eyes and not pretty eyes sometimes. To have nice eyes, you need a good frame :) Long eyelashes are pretty too :)

sbarre1 0

Wtf? Who tints their lashes? Put on some damn mascara.

LadyLieDie 1

Dammit, guys, are you kidding me? Look, I happen to have a ****** and let me tell you that, yes men and media do give us a low self-esteem, but dammit, have some standards and self-respect. Tinted eyelashes. Seriously.

Intellectualist 0

Congratulations on owning a ******, me too! Not all of us have low self esteem, and it isnt ALWAYS down to men or the media. Self respect? People respect themselves by making themselves look nice surely? Tinting her eyelashes obviously makes the OP think she looks nice. Don't be giving anyone any of this feminist bullshit. I'm female, and I can't stand it.

The problem lies in that she most likely doesn't think she's pretty otherwise, thus the tinting. That is what they're getting at. People don't just randomly decide they're unattractive; OTHER people tell them (either directly or indirectly) that they are first, and sometimes the idea sticks.

Maybe, since she is from Australia, she is using a different terminology to describe mascara.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Why do women feel the need to do this type of stuff...? YDI

Why is it that women will always say things like "Guys always compliment me on my eyelashes!" but I have never actually found a guy who has said it? Most likely, it's because guys don't share their love of good looking eye lashes with other guys because no guy cares about your eye lashes to that extent. If in the rare chance that a man actually compliments you on your eye lashes, it's because he only thinks you want to hear it since you seem to have worked so hard on them. He really doesn't care.