Makes sense

By lovegame - 28/06/2014 15:48 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, two months after forgiving my girlfriend for breaking my heart by cheating on me, I found out that she's cheating again with the same guy. When I confronted her, she basically said I brought it on myself and that I was an idiot for not dumping her the first time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 029
You deserved it 26 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

It sucks that you have a cheating girlfriend, but at the same time, you were playing with fire by keeping her.


To be honest I think she has a point. While I think it was nice of you to forgive her, the sad truth is that, once a cheater always a cheater. You should have ended it there to avoid the further heartache you now have.

I rarely agree with the person who did wrong but this is one of those things that to me it makes perfect sense to leave and stay gone the first time.

HavockWalks 2

Yeah, I just ditched a broad after seeing each other for a year and a half. Only difference "maybe" is she was cheating the whole time.

Once a cheater, always a cheater. Sorry OP, but you kinda did bring this one on yourself

She has a point my friend. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Totally doesn't deserve you. You, sir, were incredibly kind-hearted to forgive her, and turned out to not deserve your kindness. Chin-up, however, it gets better.