Makes sense

By lovegame - 28/06/2014 15:48 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, two months after forgiving my girlfriend for breaking my heart by cheating on me, I found out that she's cheating again with the same guy. When I confronted her, she basically said I brought it on myself and that I was an idiot for not dumping her the first time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 029
You deserved it 26 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

It sucks that you have a cheating girlfriend, but at the same time, you were playing with fire by keeping her.


She wanted you to leave her? That's messed up...can't she just say we're done?

Been there done that. No relationship is worth that. It'll be okay.

monu2220 3

never give a chance to someone to broke your heart twice..

People can't change what they are. They can learn and grow but generally if their nature is to not have a high regard for others that won't change unless they have some sort of epiphany which most people don't. Get out of that situation for sure, OP!

The_Big_Boss 20

Um.. I hate to say you deserve to be cheated on.. No one does. But are you an idiot? Yup

Once a cheater always a cheater, forget her she doesn't deserve you.