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By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Cary

Today, I'd like to thank the genius who scheduled my class in a building which is actively being torn down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 272
You deserved it 1 319

Top comments

At least if you don't get a window seat in your class you may soon have a balcony seat.


At least if you don't get a window seat in your class you may soon have a balcony seat.

I mean at least you have a good excuse for skipping class, right?

CheekyRaccoon 27

Oddly enough the only thing that came my mind was the nursery rhyme "London Bridge". This probably does not bode well for me.

Op's class is falling down, falling down.

The majority of your class are probably happy that it's cancelled.

Who said anything about it being cancelled?

If it's college, I doubt that because they probably spent a lot of money for the class.

So contact your teacher or advisor and find out to where it's been moved.