Mind your own business, Cheryl

By A different illness - 20/09/2022 20:30 - United States

Today, I was harshly scolded by a woman who claimed I "can't get over the Covid hysteria" because I was wearing a mask outside in public. I wear a mask whenever I'm outside because of seasonal allergies, and I have not caught Covid since November 2020. FML
I agree, your life sucks 847
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are not the only one, when mowing lawn I breathe through a scarf for the same reason. Maybe bypassers would be more ok with a black balaclava ski mask...

It’s no one’s business if you wear a mask or even why you wear it. They were all about “my body my choice” to not wear one so throw it back at them when you do.


You are not the only one, when mowing lawn I breathe through a scarf for the same reason. Maybe bypassers would be more ok with a black balaclava ski mask...

It’s no one’s business if you wear a mask or even why you wear it. They were all about “my body my choice” to not wear one so throw it back at them when you do.