Misery loves company
By Anonymous - 03/10/2011 21:41 - United Kingdom

By Anonymous - 03/10/2011 21:41 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 22/04/2011 02:55 - United Kingdom
By FailedMommy - 24/02/2024 03:00 - United States
By unknown - 02/11/2013 21:10 - Canada - Courtenay
By aprouddaddy - 04/12/2014 23:46 - France - Paris
By dad - 29/06/2009 16:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/02/2020 18:00
By Anonymous - 31/10/2023 16:00
By costcocondoms - 23/07/2009 05:23 - Mexico
By Anonymous - 12/09/2020 02:03
By Anonymous - 06/08/2024 11:00 - United Kingdom
I'm surprised op's dad is actually willing to help her despite the fact that she's sexually active out of wedlock. if that were my dad, he would definitely not help me with that one.
That's when you say it works perfectly, it's just because you're ugly it won't get up
IDK, it's nice for her dad to rise to the occasion and poke holes in the dad stereotype.
Who talks to their dad about this kinda shit?
Viva... Viva.... VIAGRA!
14- op IS the dude...
Are you the same guy that caught his wife putting penis pills in his coffee?
Did you read the FML wrong or something?
51- oops, didn't catch that until now..
14 - I know where your picture is from :)
Tummy tuck
Snaps for TheIsland.
63 don't 'u' mean you.
he obviously does know all about it considering he's giving advice about it.
64 Don't you mean "?" instead of "."?
Just means you are wise ;)
Your doggy is so cute :3
You probably thought that dick was alive? Nope, just Chuck Testa.
Um weird........sooooo
Am I the only one that finds it odd to talk to your dad about your boyfriends penis? I mean it's great you have such a tight knit family, but I don't think I'd want my dad knowing about my boyfriend's package.
No your not. The first thing through my head when I saw this was damnnnnnnnn theyre close.
Am I the only one who finds it weird that a 14 year old girl posts a picture looking down her shirt. Come on.
I find it disturbing you choose a 14 yo's picture to look at and imagine weird perv stuff in rather than pointing out the fact most of her comments are pure tard bait
Even if he was a doctor it's still kinda weird.
@56: I don't have a boyfriend, I wasn't speaking literally. I was making a general statement that if I were to have a boyfriend, and I did become sexually active (which will not be happening until I'm older, 16 and Pregnant isn't exactly something I strive for), I wouldn't exactly feel comfortable discussing it with my dad, especially talking specifically about my boyfriends package, because that's private matters. Jesus, it seems to be everyone is on a roll today picking at me because of my age. Anyways, just thought I'd clear that up.
Eh it doesn't matter that ur only 14,I bet there are kids 10 and under who actually post some of the stuff we read! XD And yeah I wouldn't wanna go to a parent talking about a "partners" sexual problems that's for sure.
you guys must be a really close family.
Do think it's weird or would you do the same to your parents?
awhh shit-sicles
Am I the only one that finds it odd to talk to your dad about your boyfriends penis? I mean it's great you have such a tight knit family, but I don't think I'd want my dad knowing about my boyfriend's package.