Misery loves company

By siighh - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my dad came home from work complaining about all the people he'd seen. He said he doesn't understand why so many people with problems have to confide in him. He's a psychologist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 731
You deserved it 3 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Then why is he a psychologist? Wow, maybe he shouldn't be complaining if he studied to be one.

I interpreted it as him being tongue-in-cheek.

RabidBunny 10

My parents want me to be a psychologist...maybe I should reconsider actually going through with it. I have never been good at helping people anyways.

You forgot to write FML at the end of your comment... Also, you submitted it in the wrong area, we can't mod it now.

RabidBunny 10

It's ok, no one would have read it anyway...

saIty 17

Oh snap. So should I cancel my appointment next week, about the fear of Fridays?

bryyxoo 0

Rebecca Black made us all scared of Fridays

well he must need a phsychiotrist or one if the stupid people that old people go and complain to

Methinks FML submissions should try to use easier words in the future. "Psychologist" seems to be too difficult for some people.

hey I see your stoned too. stuff 100% of the time sound better in your head and I it's so stupid.

TalkinSmack 6

**** your dads life or his patients. This doesn't really matter for you.

iluvfmls456 0

I think your dad is doing a great thing. He deals with people who no one else gives a shit about. I would be complaining a LOT more than him because like most people I wouldn't be able to take it. Something made these people this way and I admire anyone who cares enough to help

Most, if not all people, will complain about their jobs at one point or another. So it's okay if he wants to complain about it, i bet it's hard trying to help people solve their issues.

I agree it can be frustrating. when I was looking into entering the psychology field I had one psychologist tell me you'll always have patients who refuse to help themselves, but expect you to fix matters, which you can't.

missIrene 6

tell him it's not your job to listen to his problems

Yeah! Why should children support their parents or be respectful!?