Misery loves company

By siighh - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my dad came home from work complaining about all the people he'd seen. He said he doesn't understand why so many people with problems have to confide in him. He's a psychologist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 723
You deserved it 3 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sammy003 0

Being a psychologist doesn't necessarily mean people need to confide in him. it all depends on what type of psychology he studied. usually one would confide in a therapist, or a psychiatrist. not a psychologist. just saying.

it took 31 comments to point out the difference. thank you #31, I was beginning to rage.

a therapist is a psychologist he could be a counselor who specializes in a certain area like school and such. not many people confide everything to them .

sourgirl101 28

Sounds like he's just venting and is burnt out. It happens to everyone. Once he talks it out, (which psychology encourages) gets it out of his system, he'll be good to go.... hopefully.(:

sarahmd 0

is he AWARE that he's a psychologist?

Are you aware that a psychologist and a psychiatrist are two completely different things?

structuredchaoz 4

Time for dad to reconsider his career path. He's supposed to be helping people.

I dunno, seems like he knows what he is taking about... haha

pyrogirl6622 0