
By baller - 08/06/2009 10:39 - Australia

Today, I was at a 21st birthday party. It got to the bit where they bring out the cake, and the birthday girl hosting blew out her candles. While she was blowing, I whispered to the fella next to me, "That's not the only thing she'll be blowing tonight." The guy next to me was her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 996
You deserved it 92 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capnstinkfoot 0

YDI for being a dumbass, BUT, if she did blow you then take a pic, mail it 2 him w/a note that says " told ya"


Haha. That, sir, was uncalled for. YDI.

How do you know that she's not a virgin?

Manny_B92 0

God everyone get over it, it's was more of the fact that he was trying to crack a quick joke, not to offend her... everyone is acting like it's the end of the world. YDI for not looking at who you're talking to, but I would really love to know what happens next!

Manny_B92 0

69 You're retarded. If you're in a relationship with someone there's nothing wrong with oral... and it doesn't make anyone more or less classy, unless you're giving it out like to everyone. Oral is a normal part of a sex life... quit acting like it's like having sex with an animal you conservative pricks...

Should of just nudged him and said "oh common it's funny because it's true."

angel03260 0

im surprised no one did a reverse fml yet and put it from the fathers pov. well, i hope he knocked you out, my dad would have.

#9=most epic win ever #21=so did I, lol, that would ******* hilarious overall-you scewed up