
By baller - 08/06/2009 10:39 - Australia

Today, I was at a 21st birthday party. It got to the bit where they bring out the cake, and the birthday girl hosting blew out her candles. While she was blowing, I whispered to the fella next to me, "That's not the only thing she'll be blowing tonight." The guy next to me was her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 996
You deserved it 92 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capnstinkfoot 0

YDI for being a dumbass, BUT, if she did blow you then take a pic, mail it 2 him w/a note that says " told ya"


that's a stupid thing to say, especially since you don't know this man. if you had to say it, at least say it to someone you know

yungmoolahbaby 0

you don't whisper somethin' like that to random people. that's hilarious, though.

runwest07 0

"Today, my daughter had a party for her birthday. As she was blowing out the candles, some guy I've never was sitting next to me and whispered, 'That's not the only thing she will be blowing tonight.' I grabbed and twisted his balls. She won't be blowing him. FHL."

Disrespectfull !!!! Thats what comes back to get u !! When you do that stuff! guys say that to the wrong people..

beebeeL 1

omg WOW thts like SO funny but it sux too . L-O-L .

Why in the world would you go around talking crap like that to people you don't know?? Clearly, you're a little bitch who's envious of the girl, and who doesn't deserves to be invited to that party. Disrespectful to the max, and to say such crap to random unknown people, one could guess the **** in this story might not be the birthday girl, but the one going around saying such things to any unknown person...

wow. i would dump you if i knew you talked that way about me to strangers.

LoveToSmile101 0

Lmao at #9 YDI though it's funny but your kinda an asshole. keep your sumb comments to yourself next time.

You should've just been like "What? I got her a glass blowing kit."