
By Blah - 24/01/2010 22:24 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed throwing a football in the air and catching it. I missed a catch, and the ball hit me between the legs. I shoved my hands down my pants because it hurt, just as my step-dad walked into the room and saw me holding my crotch and moaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 327
You deserved it 9 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were playing with a ball that hit your balls and now your stepdad thinks you were playing with your balls when really you were only playing with one ball and you posted the whole sad story on FML... you, sir, are ballin'.

sourgirl101 28

Yea right. sounds like a poor excuse for playing with yourself


DUDE you totally ripped that from the SIMPSONS get your own real stories nooby liar....

JoshTheMaggot 8

lol you fail sir. that's so funny. and either way you liked it but be careful ure stepdad could be a pedophile. check megans law man. hurry!

yourefreakindumb 0

Why the hell would you put your hands down your pants? I understand grabbing your nuts, but actually sticking your hands down you pants? You're freakin dumb and deserved every bit of that humiliation.

It's a pretty natural reaction to try to massage your balls in order to make it all better. Not that any of you ladies out there would ever understand. It's funny to watch guys getting crotched on"America's Funniest Home Videos" but not when you're on the receiving end.

I can actually sort of believe this. Something similar happened to my boyfriend once while we were on the phone, only it a was the remote to his tv and he didn't shove his hands down his pants O_o

doof_fisch 2

At least your stepdad didn't ask you if you were a tight-end.