
By Blah - 24/01/2010 22:24 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed throwing a football in the air and catching it. I missed a catch, and the ball hit me between the legs. I shoved my hands down my pants because it hurt, just as my step-dad walked into the room and saw me holding my crotch and moaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 327
You deserved it 9 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were playing with a ball that hit your balls and now your stepdad thinks you were playing with your balls when really you were only playing with one ball and you posted the whole sad story on FML... you, sir, are ballin'.

sourgirl101 28

Yea right. sounds like a poor excuse for playing with yourself


Blaze4Fire 0
ihavenoname123 0

So, were you lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground?

Just be happy it didn't become too much of "a perfect stepdad-stepson bonding moment". Cops, lawyers, a pissed off Mom and years of therapy.

spank_my_toaster 0
loveehateesuuiic_fml 0

LMAO! well isn't that attractive? ; ) enjoy then!