In pain

By Khail Lozano - 02/04/2022 00:00

Today, I was making my bed and had an armload of pillows. One slipped and I tried to catch it between my arm and leg. I missed, sending my fist into my nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 744
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is your reflex for pillow-catching to form a fist? If you were normal, your balls would've received an open-palm slap. I'm not sure that would be less painful.

Marcella1016 31

Damn so now guys are even punching themselves in the balls 😂😂


Why is your reflex for pillow-catching to form a fist? If you were normal, your balls would've received an open-palm slap. I'm not sure that would be less painful.

Marcella1016 31

Damn so now guys are even punching themselves in the balls 😂😂

See? It's funny, right? You can't explain why it's funny, it just is.

Habacadavarus 12

Let's just not go so far as to make a tv show about it.... or a movie.