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By not a phobe - 16/07/2020 08:02

Today, my son told our whole family and all our friends that I kicked him out for being gay. I kicked him out because on more than one occasion he got drunk and sneaked random men in the house while he was supposed to be watching his younger siblings while I worked nights. They believed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 373
You deserved it 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And why didn't you call him out on his lies

crashtestdumplin 16

Not trying to be insensitive but why is he suppose to be a watching his younger siblings? Did you offer him a job to babysit and he accepted, or did you just expect him to babysit because you had to work? If it is the latter than maybe he is acting out from having to play parent all of the time. If it is the first and he was just deliberately trying to see what he can get away with, than kudos. If he is an adult just living off of you and not willing to help out than again, kudos, and set the record straight.


And why didn't you call him out on his lies

Actually what you've done is even worse. Getting drunk and sneaking random men in the house while he is supposed to be watching his younger siblings while you work nights is part of his religious. Your oppressing him.

crashtestdumplin 16

Not trying to be insensitive but why is he suppose to be a watching his younger siblings? Did you offer him a job to babysit and he accepted, or did you just expect him to babysit because you had to work? If it is the latter than maybe he is acting out from having to play parent all of the time. If it is the first and he was just deliberately trying to see what he can get away with, than kudos. If he is an adult just living off of you and not willing to help out than again, kudos, and set the record straight.