More like high key

By Anonymous - 27/09/2024 11:00

Today, I had no idea my mom was low key racist until I told her I was dating a black woman, and she told me that was fine, just as long as I didn’t do something silly like fall in love with her or let her distract me from finding a proper wife. Wow mom, just wow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 318
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not low-key. That's flat out, brass band parade with fireworks Racist.

I guess she’s not invited to the wedding then. You can get along just fine without that racist piece of trash anyway.


Hope she learns and changes her perspective for everyone’s sake

That's not low-key. That's flat out, brass band parade with fireworks Racist.

I guess she’s not invited to the wedding then. You can get along just fine without that racist piece of trash anyway.

I was a little shocked when my mother once told me she thought that integration in the 1960's was a bad idea. I'm pretty sure she mistook my horrified silence for acceptance.