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Mix up

By Anonymous - 26/06/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, a VIP visited our building. I was put in charge of his hospitality and was very nervous. At one point, he asked me if he could, “Ahem… wash my hands.” Without thinking, I took him to our kitchen so he could use the sink. Turns out he needed a pee. He looked at me like I was an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 466
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow I absolutely would have done that too, although 99% of the time a bathroom would be the closest sink anyway! tell your VP to man up and just say he has to pee without blushing

Bathroom is a great word by the way…


wow I absolutely would have done that too, although 99% of the time a bathroom would be the closest sink anyway! tell your VP to man up and just say he has to pee without blushing

Wadlaen 23

It's completely possible to pee in a kitchen sink, when he's not able to say what he actually meant.

Bathroom is a great word by the way…