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Mommy issues

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as I was picking up my 7 year-old daughter at my ex-husband's house, my daughter started crying saying that she wanted to stay with Daddy forever. I asked why. She said her stepmom was a better mommy. Apparently, the woman who broke up my marriage is now a better "Mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 103 877
You deserved it 9 346

Same thing different taste

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Sometimes kids play off on parent against the other to get stuff. You know, step mummy's better because she lets me eat fast food, watch tv late... or something to try and get you to do the same. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Sometimes kids play off on parent against the other to get stuff. You know, step mummy's better because she lets me eat fast food, watch tv late... or something to try and get you to do the same. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

that's my immediate thought: step-mom probably isn't in charge of discipline

LOL. Don't worry about it, she's just a kid. Kids say mean shit to their parents all the time.

Horde 8

spoiling kids make you popular, and disciplining them make them hate you.. even if it's in their best interest. Sad thing your ex turn your kid against you, but if you want to raise her properly, you cant keep up the "better mommy" stepmom and spoil her too

#2 and #4 have it. Kids will say things that may be hurtful just to try play you off against each other. I bet the same thing gets done to your ex and step-mommy. Though I bet Step-mommy lets her get away with murder because of it.

fashion_lover 0

Way to get owned by your kid. Appreciate that children are shallow and will soon see the light. The kid's 7, and probably doesn't know, better yet understand what they're saying half the time.

Actually a psychologist told me that once, children that age don't have the understanding of the long term effects of what they are saying! My son said he wanted to live with his father, so he tried to get custody! The child psychologist said in court that my son never said that he doesn't want to live with his Mom, just enjoys being at Dads house cuz, they don't have to get up for school, go to bed early, have homework to do etc!!!!! They can't make reasonable requests and understand the consequences of such ! ;)

pwned...but awww dw about it too much, your daughter doesn't know what shes saying

PYLrulz 17

Wouldn't be surprised if the step-mom lets the little girl do whatever she wants. I would bet you any amount of money, I can guarantee you that this is the case.

Definitely, and when the child is spoiled and unruly thanks to the stepmom that wants to be the "cool" mom, the actual mother will have to deal with that crap. What a shame

Ouch. =( That sucks heaps. But as everyone else said, she probably just spoils her, and that's all she's interested in. She wouldn't actually have meant she likes her more. That's just a 7 year olds way of saying "I'd like to stay a bit longer and keep wrapping daddy and his bimbo gf round my little finger, staying up late and eating what I want".

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