Morning motivation

By thermos - 03/02/2009 23:47 - United States

Today, I had a sexy dream, woke up and started to masturbate quite vigorously. When I finished, I hopped off the top bunk naked to see my brother and his girlfriend laying in the bottom bunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 189
You deserved it 53 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm it only weird because his girlfriend was there?

kellster 2

Why the hell would you jerk off knowing your brother was in the room?? Much less, why so vigorously! Go take a shower or something jeez!


are you not used to your brother being in that bed...?

Are you and your brother adults who share a studio apartment and sleep in a bunkbed to save space, or are you adolescents? If the former, you probably should have known better than to start going to town on yourself without making sure the coast was clear; but if the latter, your bunkmate should never have been allowed to bring his girlfriend into your room unattended. Either way, there was a screwup somewhere.

dunno_me 0

#25: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

yisitalwaysme 0

why the hell did you jump down naked ya coulda had some draws on

christopherlove 0

Yeah, does your brother not typically sleep on the bottom bunk? I don't get how this could have happened on accident.

deadlycandii 0

lmao...was the dream in threesome cuz if it was might not been a dream

Let's focus on your brother. He's with some girl ON HIS BUNK BED. That he shares with his brother. FHL! & FHL!

Hahaha wtf. Bunk bed? How old are you guys?

jdkfgkjdfb 0

This is wrong on so many levels…

GeometricAngle 7

That is why I make sure nobody is going to walk in, or is there when I **********.