Morning motivation
By thermos - 03/02/2009 23:47 - United States

By thermos - 03/02/2009 23:47 - United States
By killmyself - 23/01/2009 19:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 17:41 - United States - Oregon City
By Randy Candy - 12/02/2021 17:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/01/2016 18:41 - United States - Valparaiso
By Ned - 29/08/2009 23:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/08/2021 22:01
By lonelyguy321 - 27/07/2010 14:43 - United Kingdom
By frankrizzo - 01/02/2009 17:29 - Canada
By yuck - 05/06/2015 19:11
By LemonLearn - 06/10/2016 20:59 - United States - New York
It would be even more awkward if they think you were masturbating watching them!!
you disgust me
If you have a bunk bed you share on a regular basis, wouldn't you check it first, just in case? And why on earth wouldn't you brother suck it up and say something real quick before you got into it!
Never seen so many ' you deserve it' on a post before!
Why was the brothers gf there anyways? What if they were the ones fooling around while op was sleeping in the top bunk?
1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! 2. Sucks to suck 3. Aw, that's awful! 4. *snooty comment pretending like I know something* 5. *actually intelligent comment*
Dude, if you share a room with someone, exercise some self control and have some semblance of shame. YDI
I'm it only weird because his girlfriend was there?
Why the hell would you jerk off knowing your brother was in the room?? Much less, why so vigorously! Go take a shower or something jeez!