Morning motivation

By thermos - 03/02/2009 23:47 - United States

Today, I had a sexy dream, woke up and started to masturbate quite vigorously. When I finished, I hopped off the top bunk naked to see my brother and his girlfriend laying in the bottom bunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 189
You deserved it 53 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm it only weird because his girlfriend was there?

kellster 2

Why the hell would you jerk off knowing your brother was in the room?? Much less, why so vigorously! Go take a shower or something jeez!


haha you said jerk sorry. that wasn't funny.

isminei 6

Maybe the brother and gf were asleep after a rigorous night of an inappropriate pants off dance off-which gave the OP the dream.

redhedsaysrawr 18

Lmao inappropriate pants off that is ******* hilarious

You would want to rape your own brother and his girlfriend. Nice one.

Aha... wait, why we're your brother and his girlfriend not in their own room?

ohhh, I get it the sexy dream was that he woke up from a sexy dream, started masturbating then had a three some with his brothers girlfriend... gotcha

yaldo_fml 0

Courage wolf: stare them straight in the eyes till they go back to sleep

ferosogra 1

Maybe they are still teens living with their parents, ever occur?

Check your surroundings before you vigorously **********?

So what its a guy masturbating ? Not the worst thing .

Yes but it says he climbed off his bed NAKED right in front of his bro and his bros gf