Mother's Day Flashback
By dyingangel246 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Wooster
By dyingangel246 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Wooster
Hi everyone, OP here. I'd like to start by saying that the few of you who said she doesn't like me, you are probably right. When my fiance and I got engaged she didn't want to tell her family, to this day 2 years later I don't know who does and doesn't know. I believe she doesn't want to accept the fact that her 27, almost 28 year old son is getting married and starting a family. I myself am 26. My family on the other hand is super excited. She has stated a couple times that she is in no position to support us once the baby gets here. My fiance works 45+ hours a week at a very good job so we will be fine. We tried telling her that we won't need her support financially and she doesn't believe us. We live somewhere there is enough room to raise a child. Also my insurance will cover all of our hospital and Dr bills. My fiance and I have been together for over 5 years and living together for almost 3. We both love each other very much and are excited about the life we created. I figure if that's how she wants to act then oh well it's her loss! Sorry that was so long!
She is no different then every person that walks past you every day. **** what she thinks.
My father in law said the samething about me and fiance. When he cheated on my mother in law and is an alcoholic. I just recently found out I'm pregnant and we have already said he will not be in the babies life what so ever. especially what he did to my fiances nephew (I'm not allowed to say what happen). I will not trust him with my kid. I have told him this to his face numerous times.
Mine said "Better get a paternity test." Now here we are 8 years later, she's out of our lives and we are still happily married. Hopefully you luck out like I did!
We don’t get to pick our parents or our mate’s parents. Not all parents or in-laws are the person we wish they were. And this is a case like that. Best wishes and best of life on your impending journey as a parent! Be the best you can and don’t worry about your MIL - She will either come around to loving her grandchild or miss out on a rewarding experience.
what an awful thing to say about her own future granchild!! she sounds very self centered
I think you completely misunderstood this FML!