Move on, dude

By Anonymous - 13/11/2023 10:00

Today, it's been 4 years since I cheated on my boyfriend and we broke up. I've moved on within those four years, but I found out the reason I have such a hard time getting a new man now is because my ex, who still works the same minimum wage job, still goes out of his way to tell everyone he knows about our breakup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 162
You deserved it 1 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know good people who earn minimum wadge. And I know Cheaters and back stabbers who earns a lot more. I know what I would prefer as partner.

good. you deserve it. sounds like you have no remorse for your actions. I warn people about you as well. what someone makes at their job doesn't rectify cheating on them.


I know good people who earn minimum wadge. And I know Cheaters and back stabbers who earns a lot more. I know what I would prefer as partner.

You cheated and then you moved on? You only know people who know your ex-boyfriend?

good. you deserve it. sounds like you have no remorse for your actions. I warn people about you as well. what someone makes at their job doesn't rectify cheating on them.

HouseOfM 8

You live in a small enough area where this is possible and/or have a small enough social circle and still decide to cheat. YDI

This is an example illustrating that if you are dissatisfied with your BF/GF relationship - Fix it if you can, break up if it’s not fixable. Do not cheat because you will ultimately regret it… Sadly there are a lot of people dissatisfied with their relationship but they lack the character to break up instead of looking for something better before they break up. Karma will bite you in the ass!