
By patrickRafael - 29/12/2009 14:21 - Singapore

Today, my father was pruning the tree in our front yard. I was helping him collect the falling branches. At one point, a branch fell and I was under it. My father jumped to push me out of the way. Instead he pushed the branch into my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 397
You deserved it 3 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, he was trying to save you. I mean, it wasn't like he did it on purpose! I'm still gonna call FYL though.

YDI for complaining. He was trying to save you.


youthink_fml 0

if you're stupid enough to stand under a branch that is being cut from a tree........

How on earth is a simple and VERY minor accident a FML? You need to get a life if this was an FML.

BrownSugar_fml 5

your dad is so sweet, so he made a mistake but at least you know he loves you enough to try to save you.... fyl for getting hit with a branch but kudos for having an awesome dad!

what the hell? were these 30 lb limbs falling? Why push you out of the way like he's Indiana Jones or something, how about catch it do it doesnt smack you in the face. F your Dad's life for being such a dumbass.

Great mental picture! I bet you guys had a good laugh about that one! LOL

Dude, people have WORSE stories on here... like their lives are CRAP. Take bullshit like this to MLIA