Burglary [gone sexual]
By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 05:11 - United States

By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 05:11 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/10/2009 10:56 - Australia
By Starving Ultimatum - 02/09/2011 01:55 - United States
By mike oxsmall - 16/06/2011 05:42 - United States
By Mike - 25/04/2011 21:39
By iliketoastalot - 09/08/2011 17:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/10/2018 14:00
By Anonymous - 28/04/2013 19:53 - Saudi Arabia
By Anonymous - 11/05/2012 00:28 - United States
By alo1434 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 26/06/2015 16:29 - United States - Woodland
Haha! Did they join you?
point your penis at them and threaten to shoot them and see how they like it
you shoulda looked them in the eyes, and finished like a man!!! 0.o
circle jerk!
the triangle jangle!
forensic won't solve this mysterious case. victim's got shot right on the balls. his **** all over the room. will be nice to see that on CSI lol
Did they steal your **** too?
did u shoot them?
this would be a good start to a Porno
Was the gun *ahem* loaded?
the robbers new there was a bank there, just didn't realize it was a sperm bank.
cum on their faces and scare them away!!!!
Easier said than done...Those "guns" aren't quick reloads unless you can shoot em in the eyes with as many shots you have in the original chamber...
lol (⌒-⌒; )
so there were 3 guns in the room total?
a really gay one. LOL
I want to know if OP scared them away
haha you should of used your penis as a gun cocked it and shot **** in there face
win lol
^^ party pooper
you need to get a sense of ****** humor 25 you ruined my joke you jackass
Firemanrob, what actually killed your joke was saying "should of."
it's not ruined:) he couldn't been scared, then came back to reality and then kept wackin off and shot it out at them:) then again any guy who wacks off while getting robbed is probably crazy so they couldn't just been scared off by that. if anyone ever tries to rob me, I'll just act like a little nymph and tell them I have crabs:) hahahahah
calm down emo... don't cry now...
Noooo it can happen. Dave Chapelle told me about a man who held a bus full of people hostage threatening them with ****.
109 - Douchebag alert! Better find your self-tanner bottles and toss them to him, it might distract him for a while so you can drag your baggy pants to your room.
75, youre pretty.
how the **** am I a poser lol
half the guys on this site are douches who take gay pictures of themselves in mirrors. you are one of them.
Why do Americans call then 'Jean shorts' or a 'Jean jacket'? the material they are made of is denim, not Jean, jeans are denim pants.
160 - Because they appear the same as jeans only smaller. Anything wrong with it?
Ok, millions of "potential babies" are created everyday in a male. It will come out regardless if they ********** or not. It is a physical need. The argument about wasting potential babies is the dumbest. A woman can have one baby every nine months. In that time a man will have "wasted" trillions of potential babies.
wow. you suck for ruining that for her. get a sense of humour petal!
#32 **** off and get a sense of humor shit
Bloody hell, there's an awfully amount of bickering. Just jump over a few states and hit each other with sponge bats. Get rid of all that tension. ^.^
Never had the chance to hit someone with a sponge bat, I did however hit someone with a cricket bat because he nicked my cricket set wickets and ball. xD I was quite angry when I was younger how fortunate that I have calmed down and became boring and unexciting. :P
holy roller bitch
32 ever heard of Irish twins?
not entirely true, ever heard of a wet dream. and as for 32, trololololol
32 if you are excepting serious and factual conversations, don't go to a site like this dear. Not only will you not find them, but also you will get burned.
32 if you are excepting serious and factual conversations, don't go to a site like this dear. Not only will you not find them, but also you will get burned.
ok, I really don't think she gives a shit, it was a joke
I stopped laughing about 30 replies ago. I don't know why I feel obligated to reach the bottom of the page.
That must've been awkward. At least they didn't shoot you.
how do you know they didn't!!!! btw this is a joke, before I get flames or something
**** in your pants! (Or in your case, out of your pants)
you can stop quoting everything thats been overdone now.
they caught you white handed,I'd you called the cops the be busted like that nut,you could of shot at them,many puns avilable for this one,not all funny
ment if not I'd,and they not the,damn iPod
wad the he'll are u talking..... no one understands u
yeah that's why I said there not funny,that's what I expected other people to say,guess people arnt that unfunny
yeah I failed,anyone knows how to delete a comment with an iPod touch?
^ LOL this is great
God save us.
I don't understand how so many people have trouble typing on an iPod touch. I've never had a problem. I'm actually on one now. The only problem I've noticed is that sometimes I type "in" instead of "on" or "if" instead of "of", since the "o" and the "i" keys are next to each other.
18: You can't.
I wonder haha...
throw it at them lol. silence of the lambs reference?
shouldve blasted em wit **** then took their guns and robed them.
haha you should of used your penis as a gun cocked it and shot **** in there face
Haha! Did they join you?