Mr. Nice Guy

By kate9871 - 04/10/2019 02:00

Today, while driving home, a jeep hit the back of my car. When I got home and told my boyfriend, he acted concerned but still wanted to know what was for dinner. I think I have whiplash, can't stop shaking from the shock and he's practically already waiting at the dinner table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 827
You deserved it 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TrashlifeKaylala 12

Tell him youre too shook and he has to make his own dinner tonight. He a grown ass man im assuming so he should probably act like one


I’d appreciate anyone that’s there for me like that. Get someone better honey.

"I'm sorry you were in an accident, what are you making for dinner?" "Reservations"

Did you go to the ER after the accident? If you have, take some painkiller and go lay down and tell him to get his own damned dinner. If you haven't been to the ER, go there ASAP and tell him to get his ass in the car to take you there and then get his own damned dinner.

I hope you told him to go **** himself, dumped him, and went to the hospital.