
By Anonymous - 04/12/2016 22:14

Today, my family held an intervention and told me I needed to lose weight. It probably would've had more impact if they hadn't done this over video chat while stuffing their faces at an all-you-can-eat buffet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 528
You deserved it 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I find that kind of rude on their part. They could have waited to talk to you in person, at home or something. But anyways, I'm sorry OP. If you truly want to lose weight then you'll get it done. A little determination can go a long way! Good luck OP!


If you insist… The first time I read the phrase "calling pot kettle black," I knew it was a reference to the expression "the pot calling the kettle black." But for some reason, when it was written, it came out as word salad with the two nouns after the verb and before the adjective.

I find that kind of rude on their part. They could have waited to talk to you in person, at home or something. But anyways, I'm sorry OP. If you truly want to lose weight then you'll get it done. A little determination can go a long way! Good luck OP!

No matter how inappropriate that intervention was organized, the fact that they did this should be enough to take a critical look at your weight. You might be overweight and this is not healthy.

They still could have waited to do this when they weren't stuffing their faces with food in front of OP.

There's also not a one size fits all approach to health. One of my coworkers is a couple inches shorter than I am and at least fifteen pounds heavier. I still wouldn't challenge her to a foot race because she'd win. She runs marathons, I don't. Good health is less about the numbers on the scale and more about habits and practices.

That was their attempt to get you to start working out too. If you can make it to the buffet on foot before they leave, you get some food.

missyfiona89 28

The apple doesn't usually fall too far away from its tree.

Those who read this FML must laugh! The power of Irony compels you!

Well, except for the fact that this would be hypocrisy, not irony.

While I agree that what they did was rude and wrong, what they were doing doesn't mean the family is fat. I'm pretty skinny and I can eat a good bit. I have a fast metabolism so I'm always hungry. Eating a lot doesn't always equal overweight. If you can, talk to a doctor first. See if the doctor thinks you need to lose weight and if so, how much? Maybe he could help tell you safe ways to lose it and keep it off. It's up to you if you want to lose weight, not your family.

I'm the same. But you see..skinny doesn't mean healthy and heavier doesn't mean unhealthy. I'll be the first to admit I'm unhealthy. It doesn't matter if you look it or not. I doubt the buffet was healthy food, which makes it hypocritical to try to tell op they are not healthy. However talking to the doctor is the best action.

That was the point. Even while stuffing their faces at a buffet, your weight is out of control compared to theirs. Their method is disturbing, but I'll bet it's effective.

No where does it say that OP's weight is worse than her family members, so you can stop jumping to conclusions. Their method of intervention was still wrong and they could have waited until a better time to talk about.

You are just an all around asshole then huh, you have some serious issues with weight don't you? This is the second time I've seen you be outlandishly offensive to fat people on this sight today.

i hope you went to a buffet after lolol

Good thing you aren't on drugs then. They'd have Skyped you while shooting up.