My eyes! My eyes!

By someone - 29/07/2011 18:26 - United States

Today, while walking home, the gods were kind enough to grace me with the sight of an old man jogging past me in nothing but a pair of short shorts. The image of his balls swinging to and fro underneath like a pendulum has been forever burned into my retinas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 837
You deserved it 5 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some acid will get that image right off. :)


Iwashere12345 0

just wondering, why did you look there?? O_o

Hayman68 4

I'm wondering why OP said gods. There is only one God.

hcs4life21 0

Silly theists. not only are you sure in the existence of a supernatural being, you're also confident in your ability to count said being? Where did you get that number by the way, an old book? Tsk Tsk. The OPs guess is just as valid as yours. Even though everyone knows there is no god anyway. ;)

hcs4life21 0

108 - stop while you're ahead

koolkat27 13

ah.. here goes the arrogant atheist talk again. smh

Because old men's balls swinging like a pendulum are like car wrecks. You don't really wanna see all the nastiness but you can't look away.

Wow. Just. Wow. The decency of some people.

VeeBee9332 0

What decency? That man obviously threw his out the window, or has a very skewed sense of decency...I'm betting on the former. that old guy must be old to just NOT give a shit...

Goodatbeingbad 9

Why were you looking down there?

your eyes kinda go to moving objects sometimes. Lmfao :p

IndiRae 9

Beautiful imagery my friend, you should consider writing a book.

rhpsfan9 10

That's a disturbing image. At least they didn't fall out?

It seems that you have plasma retinas.

nickmeier1 4

Hahaha at least you couldn't actually see it right?

8_FYL_8 3

Free ball show that's so not an fml