My favorite letter is L

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 8 year-old niece and I were arguing over how many letters were in the alphabet. Guess who was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 107
You deserved it 51 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how you managed to find this website, figure out how to submit your story, and type it in, is beyond me.


use silence dogood as your signature.

maddiesonnn 0

u stupid and need to go bak to kindergarten

59: I just so happen to think 7 was very informative...but maybe in the wrong place...

missawesome16 0

no one cares she ment the english one u f*ckin nerd

So what if you didnt know that? Its like not knowing how many spokes are on a standard bike wheel. If you know , you know. If you never counted, you wouldnt.

hahahaha that's kinda sad but I've been there xP

OMG shut the eff up and stop arguing nobody gives a shi*

wow. and you are allowed use of electronic devices without adult supervision??? that is the FAIL. do you bathe with the toaster?