My turn

By Crazy In-Laws - 20/11/2016 22:54 - United States - Danvers

Today, my wife and I both got released from the hospital. She was admitted for the birth of our daughter. I was admitted with a broken arm from when my mother-in-law shoved me out of the way because she wanted to be the first one to hold the baby after my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 641
You deserved it 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cootiequeen4444 11

If I was OP's wife I'd tell my mom to back off. From the husband. And especially the baby. I would not want some who JUST acted in forceful, aggressive, and thoughtless way to hold my baby. Especially when the results were injury to the husband. I'd demand mom to leave until she's calmed the hell down and thinks on the bigger level. Newborns are delicate little things. Id be concerned for its wellbeing if I were to let my mom hold it after such a crazy and bone headed move. Unfortunately, I totally see the her just continuing to ignore her son in law and just grabbing the baby from her daughter. I mean. Why not go full crazy when the insanity has already begone (kidding of course). I hope I'm wrong and the mother immediately stopped and apologized and assisted the man she wiped out/injured. Either way, OP'S wife needs to have a big long heart to heart with mommy dearest about boundaries and the like.


corky1992 33

This made me laugh so hard lol. Im sorry about your arm. i hope it heals nicely and congratulations on the baby!

When your wife is up to it, you need to have a talk with her about setting boundaries with her parents. What her mother did is absolutely unacceptable, and she should be responsible for any medical bills that insurance doesn't cover.

If your wife is at all sane and reasonable, charges will be pressed, and that beast of a woman will be slapped with a restraining order. There is no way I would ever want to see my mother again, if she did such a thing. How selfish, and absolutely barbaric!

balln 11

Exactly why it's gonna be me and my hubby alone in the delivery room. Can't take over bearing family members.