Narcissism in a nutshell

By Anonymous - 13/06/2021 00:00 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend's family offered me the trip of a lifetime visiting their families overseas. My mother threw a tantrum, telling me that it was my fault that she was never able to travel, it was my fault that she got pregnant with me and had to marry my abusive father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 889
You deserved it 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell your mom that we all make our own decisions. She did what she thought she had to, and she should be happy that you have the opportunities that she didn't. What exactly does she want you to do? Pass on the things that make you happy to show solidarity with her? Feel guilty taking opportunities just to validate her life choices? She lived her life, and you should live yours. Tell her to save some money and take a trip to the Great Barrier Reef if she wants to travel. Australia is a huge continent with lots of amazing places and sights.


damn people here are always so quick to tell others to just abandon major relationships

Mom is clearly toxic, those ARE the kind of relationships to leave.

Tell your mom that we all make our own decisions. She did what she thought she had to, and she should be happy that you have the opportunities that she didn't. What exactly does she want you to do? Pass on the things that make you happy to show solidarity with her? Feel guilty taking opportunities just to validate her life choices? She lived her life, and you should live yours. Tell her to save some money and take a trip to the Great Barrier Reef if she wants to travel. Australia is a huge continent with lots of amazing places and sights.

she was definitely out of place saying that but it also sounds like she's going through something right now. giver her time try to help her through this and when you get older if you can afford it some day take her on a nice trip. it sounds like the woman's had a hard life and sometimes hardships can get the best of us.