
By arbiter3 - 04/04/2011 10:13

Today, I was watching Animal Planet while babysitting my 4 year-old niece. A really cute baby bunny came on and I called her into the room, only for her to see it get killed by a Bald Eagle. Now she won't stop crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 122
You deserved it 17 824

Same thing different taste

Today, I was babysitting my niece and let her watch cartoons on YouTube while I cooked dinner. She screamed as I was cutting up carrots and I cut myself. She had turned on an episode of Happy Tree Friends and was now crying and wouldn't stop. My brother thumped me for not watching her. I now have a cut hand and black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 308
You deserved it 515

Top comments

did you try to save the cute bunny by jumping into the T.V in slow motion saying noooooooo in slow motion too?

maybe you should think ahead cuz usually those shows are about the circle of life, not just showing you cute little bunnies.


it's animal planet.. not nickelodeon! you should have saw that coming.. fail

My dad had a similar real life experience growing up in Texas. Except it was one of their kittens getting killed by an owl. =

Lizza330 28

Poor bunny!!! Also, you should've known what was going to happen.

death008 0

maybe some one should convince the eagle to be a vegetarians lol

vegetarian eagles would go as well as vegetarian vampires (unspeakably horrible)

death008 0

like twilight lol I still have nightmares lol

Tell her it's the rabbit of Caerbannog, and it has "a vicious streak a mile wide"

froob 0

lol beat me to it, now I gotta watch that movie again.

islandcarrie 2

better explained in the lion king, but hey, your methods cool too :P

Capt_Oblivious 10

that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen

notquite69 0

It's nature. Why people hide this from children I'll never understand. If you can be in another room without directly watching her, she's old enough to know the truth about animals and nature.

You're babysitting and you're not even in the same room ? Great job.

not really, the kid could've been in a play room or a room next to the living room.