By Birdwatcher - 18/09/2012 16:19 - United States - Woodstock
Same thing different taste
The bird
By Mariah Barnes - 24/07/2020 08:01
By Ketchup - 22/06/2009 06:06 - United States
By craphanded - 19/07/2011 17:45 - United Kingdom
Just do it
By tulisa - 21/02/2015 04:25 - United States - Alexandria
By tay - 10/04/2012 11:13 - Australia
By Olive14 - 15/12/2010 06:15
By birdy - 01/08/2022 10:00 - Australia
By KHAAAAA-RMA!! - 10/05/2014 21:32 - United States
By FlipYoC - 16/09/2009 06:15 - United States
By Twitchy - 14/09/2011 23:20 - Bahamas
Top comments
OP- at least you tried, I'll give you a cyber-round of applause for that. (PS, your mom's a bitch, sorry)
Is it quite normal for people to refer to mothers as being bitches ? I'm appalled at how many thumbs up these comments get there's no respect left for elders ... :( Her mum is not a bitch but sorry for the bird dying op I would have cried too
You should get over the 'have blind respect for people older than you.' If you're a bitch, you're a bitch, regardless of age. Have respect for people that deserve it. The OP was obviously very emotional and moved at the time. For someone to laugh and say "you're weak" is plain mean. OP needed a hug, not that.
That's terrible. ='( I'm about to cry, too. I'm so sorry, but at least you did your best to help. :)
74- I can't be bothered to explain myself to you if that's how you feel then that's your choice. To me a mother is too valuable to ever be referred to as a "bitch"
I never said she can't be a bitch all I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't refer to your mother as a bitch it's disrespectful wether she is being horrible or not just don't swear at her, speak nicely she is your mother.
Forgive me for trying to say something good!!!
112 you are "trying" to say something good, but not succeeding. So please stop
That's just completely ******* stupid. In general, you should be polite and respectful to your mother, but if your mother is a horrible parent, that's an exception. Directed at Samsaf and #98 in particular.
Your mother is heartless. I would have cried too.
I'm proud of you OP for trying, it shows that you have compassion! I would have cried also!
How could you be so heartleeessssss
I would have cried, and then some! You have a big heart, OP, and that's important! You were willing to try to save that little bird, no matter how bleak the situation... And that definitely speaks for itself. I tip my hat to you.
Your mom clearly has no sensitivity to baby animals. What a bitch

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayI'm sure you would have quite a different view if your doctors said that after diagnosing you with cancer or something. Just because it's the "natural process of things" doesn't mean people shouldn't try to help.
Some people care more about animals than you apparently do.
Precisely, number 9. Plus if it's going to die anyway, why not try and help? It's not like it's going to die MORE if you help. And even if you so save it but it's weaker than the other birds, well, at least it got a second chance and will get to see a bit more of life.
There is nothing wrong with helping the little guy!! Human parents don't just leave their children to die if they are ill or have a disability, people help them! How is helping a stranded animal any different? I dread to think what you would think of me... My friends and I spent most of our childhood fishing (and caring for until the RSPCA could come pick them up) ducklings from storm drains where they'd walk over them, fall through, and the family would continue on. You can't tell me that's natural selection, that's manmade selection
Jesus Christ! It was just a bad joke that was admittedly in horrible taste. Now you can either keep calling me the scourge of the animal kingdom, or you can quietly accept my failure and move the hell on.
Seriously leave 63 alone he was clearly just trying to be funny no need to go all ninja attack mode on him !
9- how on earth can you compare a human being diagnosed with cancer to a bird dying ??? There is absolutely no comparison whatsoever !
Actually, if YOU ALL really CARED about BABY animals.. You don't interfere. The baby could have fallen out of the nest and once you touch a baby bird, the mother bird will not recognize the babys scent. True story brosephs and brosphines. And yes... We are all heartless. But to you religious people out there, it's only humans fault for having knowledge. It's passed on through the generations. I would know. I'm a believer (: ... So. Let's all agree that I'm right and do keep the up votes to the bare minimum. I quite prefer the downvotes. For they are only way ignorant people can "hurt" one another on here (;
I'm I the ONLY one who think EVERYONE commenting on here is either vegan or vegetarian? Or just plain DRAMATIC?! It's a ******* bird.... And most likely a COMMON bird. Something we see everyday. I can understand an ostrich bird or even a Bald Eagle.Yeah ops mom did not have to say that but my parents would have done the same. My dad would have said something along the lines of road kill. LMFAO!!!!! Yes it's a TERRIBLE world out their for animals. But keeping them locked up FOREVER in a ZOO or CAGE?! Why do you all think domestication occurred? Lions and tigers and bears were not meant to be domesticated because they were too big for farming and too aggressive. I mean hell, I swatted a fly once and I even ran over a squirrel. Shoot me. Besides, most animals DIE in captivity ANYWAY. And some cancers are not thought to be natural. Because of all the harsh chemicals WE HUMANS use for our selfish everyday lives, everyday we are at risk.
I'm not a vegetarian. I wish I could be but I don't buy the food in the house and it's either eat what mom cooks or don't eat anything but a spoonful of corn or green beans. I don't even like meat. Anyway, I'm not gonna leave a baby bird lying there to starve to death. It's one thing to kill an animal for food (even if it's cruelly done), it's another just to sit there and watch it die when you can do something to help it out. I know it's kind of a double standard but it's still two different situations. And that baby bird isn't gonna be kept in captivity. Don't you know what animal rescue means? You help it survive until it can take care of itself. Comparing a zoo to rescuing a helpless baby animal is stupid. They aren't the same thing.
Ummm.... Correction dear worlds123. I've been an avid bird watcher since childhood, great fan of national geographic, and member of the Audubon Society. Getting your "scent" on a baby bird scaring away the parents is simply one of the biggest old wives tales ever. The majority of birds have very little sense of smell and find prey or forage by means of extremely acute eyesight and hearing. It is actually recommended that if one is able, locate the nest and place the young bird back. As far as OP mother, yet another fine example of poor parenting, labeling a child as "weak" for having a sense of compassion. Little wonder we have such over crowded prisons and adults with no sense of dignity or respect for others. It may only have been "a common bird" but who is to say how large or small the lessons in life we learn from are.
I'm not a vegetarian. I wish I could be but I don't buy the food in the house and it's either eat what mom cooks or don't eat anything but a spoonful of corn or green beans. I don't even like meat. Anyway, I'm not gonna leave a baby bird lying there to starve to death. It's one thing to kill an animal for food (even if it's cruelly done), it's another just to sit there and watch it die when you can do something to help it out. I know it's kind of a double standard but it's still two different situations. And that baby bird isn't gonna be kept in captivity. Don't you know what animal rescue means? You help it survive until it can take care of itself. Comparing a zoo to rescuing a helpless baby animal is stupid. They aren't the same thing.
Actually that's not true.
What the bird watcher said.
It's hard to nurse a baby bird. They always die. ALWAYS. It's true that it was going to die without mom anyway unless a professional interfered. Doesn't mean this person hates animals, it just means they're educated.
I've done that before. Put the baby back. And mom VACATED THE NEST. They all died, even the one I tried to nurse. I called a bird sanctuary and they told me I should have let the fallen bird fend for itself and give the others a fighting chance so the mom would come back to the nest because of she sees you she won't come back. But I called too late and they all died.
The first comment+heartless=this comment
11- "Your mom sounds like a bitch. Heartless" No I don't think so....
I found a tiny hairless baby mouse in a parking lot last year. Despite my best efforts the same thing happened. I got all choked up too. You're not alone, OP!
Have you seen a baby mouse? They don't even open their eyes for a couple of weeks, much less run.
60- my house has pillars outside it, and so birds nest outside it. mama accidentally pushed them both little babies out. one broke its neck and died, and the other didn't have the strength to move. it didn't "run" when i came near it because it couldn't fly yet. I picked it up... and ate it. meow. (it went to the shelter later.)
Nabee143, if a baby mouse has no fur it's eyes are clearly still shut. The fur grows in before the eyes open. In case that wasn't clear enough for you, here...I found a baby (possibly newborn) mouse in a library parking lot after my friend nearly stepped on it. It had no fur, it's skin was so thin it was nearly transparent, and it's eyes were shut tight. After less than a week of trying to nurse it back to health it died because i didn't have the resources to care for it like a mother mouse could. I hope that clears things up for you.
Nabee, it sounds like that you don't know a thing about animals since you think that any animal would run, regardless of health/physical conditions; and that baby mice are "disgusting." Seriously, if you don't want to be hated, then don't hate. Simple enough.
She said HAIRLESS baby mouse!!! From my understanding, that means it was basically a newborn or really really young. Therefore it wouldn't be able to run anyway, it would be completely immobilized or it would just walk all wobbly.
Nabee 13 - Again, I adore people who do not read a whole comment before replying, and know nothing about what they are commenting on. It clearly said " hairless baby mouse" this to most would explain that it is newborn, as anyone who has ever even watched an hour of Animal Planet would know most newborn animals have little to no hair.
Hairless implies a newborn. Pinkies are hairless and can't run, they don't even have their eyes open, or their ears. They sort of crawl slowly, like any newborn animals.
Hairless implies newborn. Pinkies are hairless and don't have their eyes or ears open. They don't run, as it is with all newborn animals. Pinkies are hairless baby mice if you didn't gather that.
60, Hairless implies newborn. Pinkies are hairless and don't have their eyes or ears open. They don't run, as it is with all newborn animals. Pinkies are hairless baby mice if you didn't gather that.
60, Hairless implies newborn. Pinkies are hairless and don't have their eyes or ears open. They don't run, as it is with all newborn animals. Pinkies are hairless baby mice if you didn't gather that.
Hairless implies newborn. Pinkies are hairless and don't have their eyes or ears open. They don't run, as it is with all newborn animals. Pinkies are hairless baby mice if you didn't gather that.
If it was hairless, it would've been like.. a newborn. With the exception of deer, all newborn mammals are unable to move efficiently at birth.
Is your mom's name Dwight?
Even Hitler thinks your mother is heartless.
17 I agree, but it spelt chipmunk.
34- I agree, but it is spelled "it's".
I don't actually smoke dope. My persona does. Chill. Also, what the Fuckstick is a hip muck?

Your mom sounds like a bitch.
Your mother is heartless. I would have cried too.