
By moms know best??? - 27/07/2013 21:41 - Canada - Morinville

Today, I received some unwanted anal sex tips. They were unwanted because I'm not into anal sex, and the tips came from my drunk mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 869
You deserved it 4 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At first I thought the word "tips" was being used as a double entendre.

Anal sex tips from drunk mom? -changes porno-


and I thought "the talk" with my parents was awkward enough. I can only imagine how weird this was.

SerenaSerenadex3 13
perdix 29

You mean there's more than one? After lots and lots and lots of lube, what else is there to know?

TheDrifter 23

Order of operations, the dangers of rapid insertion and withdrawal, scented vs flavored lubes.

If the OP were female there would be plenty for making it less painful. However, since the OP is male I think we're entering into darker territory. Things like "be sure to wait until she's taken a crap, unless your into that."

bach2121 13

Anal sex is SO gross! I'll never do it. Leave it to gay men.

I really doubt that's one of the tips.

Is it me or does every weird sex related FML come from Canada?

skinnybyotch 16

Ya we're into some freaky things here in Canada :p

Trisha_aus 15

I must pay a visit soon. Love Canadians and your Tim Horton's coffee!

There's not much here to do once the sled dogs are fed and the toques are washed.

graceinsheepwear 33

First the octomom, now the eneMA.