Neighbors from hell

By Myself - 06/09/2010 10:45 - United States

Today, after a few months of my neighbor's friend parking outside his house and honking until he came outside, I happened to be out doing lawn work. I politely screamed, "STOP HONKING YOUR F***ING HORN!" To which they responded by moving in front of MY house and holding down their horn. I hate people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 502
You deserved it 16 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTSchool 0

You 'politely screamed'? I never knew people could scream... with manners.

DisappearingRose 18

haha, that sucks. I would've gotten mad too though


You deserve it for not handling it like a polite neighbor would have--by going over to the neighbor's house and politely asking them to ask their friend to either call upon arrival or come up to the door, as the honking is disturbing to the rest of the neighborhood. If you have a baby who cries or a dog who barks when it happens, that's something else you should have added. But, since you decided to cry about it and then scream curse words through your neighborhood--something which, by the way, is more rude than honking--YDI.

irxc 0

Just ******* columbine'em. Run over'em with your lawnmover. Please.

So many people don't know what sarcasm is...

JokeMeister 0

Use your tax dollars. Call po-po!

How do you politely scream? I'm thinking you deserved them honking o.o

Sit out on your porch and clean your guns.