Neighbors from hell

By Myself - 06/09/2010 10:45 - United States

Today, after a few months of my neighbor's friend parking outside his house and honking until he came outside, I happened to be out doing lawn work. I politely screamed, "STOP HONKING YOUR F***ING HORN!" To which they responded by moving in front of MY house and holding down their horn. I hate people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 502
You deserved it 16 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTSchool 0

You 'politely screamed'? I never knew people could scream... with manners.

DisappearingRose 18

haha, that sucks. I would've gotten mad too though


during appropriate hours there's nothing you can do to stop someone honking. Maybe you should try not being a douche and talk to your neighbor in a polite way.

FFML_314 11

Ever heard of common courtesy?

Maybe you should try not being a douche and thinking it's polite to honk your horn during 'appropriate hours.' Let me guess? You're too lazy to be inconvenienced by the short walk to someone's house, and instead think the horn was invented so you can pester the shit out of everyone in a 100 yard radius, because all the burgers you've been eating in your mini-van have made you too corpulent to drag to drag yourself up the walk or muster the energy it takes to call your moronic friend inside the house.

shihtzupup98 3

tell the police or key the car. ur choice

haha #1 & 8 pictures are cool n_n btw yeah, you kinda deserved that... but I'd get annoyed too!

FirstBornUnicorn 0
bubblezz0504 0

how do u POLITELY scream the word *******?

I find this an appropriate response. However, it is almost laughably easy to take care of situations like this. Your neighbor and his friend are clearly immature and just stupid. Stupid people are terrified of any form of bureaucracy, particularly the legal system. It's not my belief that you necessarily have to involve the police in this if you don't want to, but you can make them think that you're going to do so. For example, if you go out with a camera and pointedly take a picture of the jerk's car and license plate, that sends a clear message that you're intending to make some trouble. Stupid people are really, really scared by this stuff. I haven't done exactly this, but I've gotten an idiot insurance company to pony up just by cc'ing them on a letter of complaint to the State Board of Insurance Examiners. And I once was having trouble returning an expensive television set that didn't have everything it was supposed to until I said, "Enough. We'll just have our lawyer call you, and we'll see what you can work out with him." Transaction and pick-up completed within the hour. Sometimes growling is enough if you do it right.

That's not polite to curse at them. But it's not polite of them either. So FYL and YDI.

mclovin12194 0

politely screamed? saying f*cking isn't being polite