Asshats everywhere

By 404 justice not found - 21/04/2016 19:15 - United States - Whitehall

Today, I've suffered 3 months of my neighbor blasting his music so loud, it shakes my apartment floor. None of my noise complaints are ever followed up, but the moment I give him a piece of my mind, he calls the cops, and they threaten me with jail time over a few curse words. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 310
You deserved it 1 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

time to record your environment and then file a noise complaint. if they don't follow up inform them that they'll be hearing from your lawyer

That sucks OP, maybe you should blast your own music and wait until the cops show up. then Turn your radio off and catch your neighbors in the act. or make them cookies and ask to them to turn it down nicely


That sucks OP, maybe you should blast your own music and wait until the cops show up. then Turn your radio off and catch your neighbors in the act. or make them cookies and ask to them to turn it down nicely

PopBlox 14
diyos 15

Why not cookies laced with laxative?

TMO2142 25

Sorry Op! Maybe it's time to head down to the station and give them a piece of your mind. You deserve to have a peaceful living environment

Yeah go yell at some cops, that always ends well.

They didn't say to yell at them. Believe it or not, you don't have to yell to "give them a piece of your mind." You can express your opinion on how someone is not only failing to do their job but being biased while doing so, and how they are giving their department a bad reputation without raising your voice or using derogatory language. If OP isn't capable of that, they can get the precinct's non emergency number and file their complaint over the phone.

time to record your environment and then file a noise complaint. if they don't follow up inform them that they'll be hearing from your lawyer

Some say get the cops involved. I say give him some grade school friendship: play loud EDM with multiple bass drops every night. And invest in some earplugs.

Good basic idea, but 1up that: 1)Buy the best active noise cancelling headphones you can find. 2)Buy the best (=loudest) stereo-set you can afford. 3)Blast classical music on full volume, I recommend Haendl, Bach and Strauss for starters, then graduate to Schoenberg. (Nobody can complain about classical music without sounding like a stupid, uncultered imbecile, no matter how much they don't like it.)

I'd file a complaint with the PD through the city. And if not i'd complain to the landlord. Take this situation by the balls. You can come out on top.

Where do you live? Def not in the USA. Cops cannot do that

I know how that feels man, some neighbors teach you patience better than shaolin training.

you need to simply call the cops yourself. They will take care of it, dont face off with them yourself, you'll just get in more trouble. Find out if your city has noise laws outside of just your apartment building. Meanwhile keep filing complaints with the landlord. If nothing changes, take either the neighbor or the landlord or both to court. sounds harsh but better than what they are already putting you through.

It seems as if OP has called the cops multiple times to file a noise complaint, but they never followed through. Part of this FML is that the cops never once came when he called, but they came the moment OP's neighbor called about him (if that makes any sense).

it says he filed a complaint many times, but doesn't say it was with the police. it may have been the landlord or an onsite manager.

You should just called the cops to begin with.

Seems like they would have had to have tried that all ready in order for their to have been multiple noise complaints that weren't followed through on. The FML is basically "When I call the cops they never show up but as soon as my neighbor calls them about me they are right there."