
By cole - 24/04/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, I got approached by a hot young lady in a bar. After joking around for a few minutes she said, "Hey, I love your jacket, where'd you get that?" I then told her that it's actually a replica of the Indiana Jones jacket. This is when she remembered that she "had to go somewhere." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 532
You deserved it 61 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ahem.... not that I would care ... but where did you get this jacket?

I think that's pretty cool. I wouldn't have left you = ) Unless you were creepy and i needed an excuse =P


Dude you totally deserved it. First of all I think an Indiana Jones jacket as pretty little-kiddish and second of all you should've said that you forgot where and avoided the situation. Common sense bro.

ilovefmlife 0

haha @ #2 and #4 and well I don't think I would of walked away but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have given you my number.

her loss, indiana jones is the shit.

snoozeuloose 0

that's sweeet. indiana jones is a sexy hard ass, i would have stayed. don't let her bother you, it's her loss.

Erin_Soprano 0

She must have been very shallow. Who cares if it's a replica?? Indiana Jones is a sexy mother ******.

Clearly you couldn't pull off the look. Nice try though

I actually got her number before she asked that question, but I guess calling her is now out of the question hahahah. she was actually kinda into lame shit so im not really worried about it. but still...she was smokin, good lord. #2 I don't remember exactly where but it was from an english leather company and my dad got it for me for christmass like 5 years ago. I actually never wore it till last night which is ironic

the funny thing is nobody would have ever known it was a replica unless they were like hardcore fans, so i definitely ****** that one up (i was sooooo wasted)

I would've not left you. I would've laughed my ass out in front of you for a good ammount of time and then leave. pro.