
By cole - 24/04/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, I got approached by a hot young lady in a bar. After joking around for a few minutes she said, "Hey, I love your jacket, where'd you get that?" I then told her that it's actually a replica of the Indiana Jones jacket. This is when she remembered that she "had to go somewhere." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 532
You deserved it 61 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ahem.... not that I would care ... but where did you get this jacket?

I think that's pretty cool. I wouldn't have left you = ) Unless you were creepy and i needed an excuse =P


pancakelover 0

Today, I approached a guy in a bar. After hearing his lame jokes for a few minutes I said "hey I love your jacket, where'd you get that?". He then proceeded to tell me that it's actually a replica of the Indiana Jones jacket. This is when I remembered that I "had to go take a shit". FML

who the hell doesnt love indiana jones? I'll tell ya who, that bitch right there. Totally her loss, don't beat yourself up about it

30, not counting Lucas' recent ruining of the 2 most kniown and loved series. recently i want to shit all over his face like tubgirl

Haha, that's kind of loser-tastic. Save it for the convention, son.

Ha... I so would have blown you off too.... YDI

Wow #4, that's horrible but really funny

ellebell 0

where did you find this replica? #4 eww

well thats stupid, if she liked it she liked it.

NekuSakuraba 0

Pshh she was probably going to get one for herself! She was jealous of your jacket XD