Never forget

By Hello - 20/06/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, I received the only love letter I've ever gotten. Too bad it's from the guy who's been stalking me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 445
You deserved it 3 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PSQ91 6

Could've been worse. Could've been a letter like: "You're ugly, bitch"


MyScrewedUpLifeS 0

Please define what you think is "Stalking" because that term is thrown around so much now that simply saying hi to someone more than once could be considered stalking by some girls.

Ashley1721 0

LAWLZ. They're probably not stalking you. Don't over-exagerate. If they were legit stalking, you'd call the police or something not sit there and brag about it on fml.

Mrrevorp 0

I see my letter went unappreciated lmao

maybe he is too shy to say not jump to conclusion.when i was primary school,it was popular to write love letter,i ever help my friend write one ..haha

MarkGoldstein 0

my advice is to marry him. there is only one way to beat a psycho; out psycho them. Text him every 5 minutes to find out where he's at. Comment on everything he does on Facebook. Tell everything about you. I mean everything: bowel movements, period, what you ate, and very detail. He'll run.

ehampton 5

yeah... stalkers a creepy no matter what they do

Kevin45 1

oh come on, I bet he's a nice guy :p

kc1997kc 9

73 Why? I am hoping that was a joke. being stalked is scary and creepy depending on the level. their are stampede who break in to your house to watch you or leave you a gift. they are often crazy and do dramatic and sometimes dangerous things. You definitely don't want a stalker.

thats so creepy and maybe just maybe get out more? Im just sayin