Never forget

By OhhhNooo - 14/03/2010 23:23 - United States

Today, my Dad told me that I was named after the dog he accidentally shot in the head as a teenager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 876
You deserved it 2 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BluPenguin 3

What a twist! That news must have struck you like a bullet!

persianality 0


irishfever 0

hahahaha that really amused me ^

x805xUnknown 6

No, YDI for making stupid ass unoriginal comments like this one.

madmonkeykilla 0

I think his name is pussy willows for thinking this is a fml

nomnommonster 0

lol well atleast your name has some sentiment :)

lol don't worry I got named after a dog 2 but a dog breed the brittany spaneil lol

lol 'magine if my dad named his kids after animals he killed. I would be Hunted Deer #6 or something. Now in your case, if it's like Spot or Skippy, FYL; but I have a dog named Dave. And that wouldn't be so bad haha.

Cricketiscool 0

Maybe he was really upset about it and your name was a good way to comemorate it. Who knows, maybe he really loved that dog.

aenemadreamer 0

omg that's so effin funny! suck it up and get a name change if it bothers you that badly.

Hiropon 0

Whats your name!?!! Are you mariella!??!!