New name just dropped

By firefliiez - 15/11/2009 18:46 - United States

Today, my ex decided he wanted to start calling me "Pup." I jokingly said, "Please! Call me anything but that! Sausage face even! Just anything but that!" Later, we went bowling with a large group of friends. He put my name in the board as "Sausage Face." Everyone agreed it will be my new name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 182
You deserved it 42 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the dick who suggested 'Sausage Face'.

Why give him the ammo? Just tell him, "Okay. You call me Pup, and I'll call you Dickless".


Maybe it was revenge for you not letting him put his Sausage in your face.

coolbeans14741 0

TEHEHE I actually smiled at that. I'm so mature.

Well you deserve it for hanging out and connecting with your ex. Way to be stable emotionally there

djessemoody 0

@ #57, "Also, periods and commas in many places." is not a complete sentence, ya little poon.

ehh. I call my friend "Penguin Face". no big deal.

carnage1106 0

congratulations u got wat u wanted

thats bullshit you cant put "sausage face" they let you put in like two letters in

lol #13 and ydi u shulda just gone with pup. hahaha sausage face

jaytee1994 9

Well when you hang out with a ex... It usually ends up like this...

it will never stick, too many syllables for an American to bother with.