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By juice723 - 20/11/2013 11:09 - United States - Marblehead

Today, my friends started calling me "Soberman" because I recently gave up alcohol and have a Doberman. Normally, I wouldn't mind the nickname, but they call me Soberman everywhere. My new boss now thinks it's because I AM an alcoholic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 424
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, it's better than being called doperman.

Who cares about the nickname. The real focus is that you took a positive step to change your life, and that's what's important here.


Hey, it's better than being called doperman.

Soberman sounds like a superhero who nobody parties with

It could be worse. He could be called groperman.

Jordan_OL 10

I think these are the types of nicknames that are cool until someone starts using them for you!

@51 That's actually pretty close to my last name. :(

Great nickname! Hopefully your boss will realize the truth soon!

Hahaha ya right?? I think it's awesome!

Tell your boss that you are sober, and that you'd willingly submit to a field sobriety test once the room stops spinning.

how did it get all the way to your boss?

I guess since op said everywhere I guess they called him that at his job too.

IworkAt711 14

He might even have friends at work that call him that.

Why not explain it to him? He'll most likely understand

Who cares about the nickname. The real focus is that you took a positive step to change your life, and that's what's important here.

Exactly, and as long as OP keeps up the good work at his job, then he should definitely be fine.

Wouldn't your boss think you're a recovering alcoholic? Otherwise your nickname would be something like drunky.

Probably due to the logic used when calling a bald guy "curly" or a fat guy "slim."

I meant that it's probably not the case due to the logic used when calling a bald guy "curly" or a fat guy "slim," the boss probably thought it was like that.

bethers_ 22

Sounds like you need to rectify the situation before things brew over.

I see what you did there, keep those beer puns on tap.

RedPillSucks 31

Maybe rectumfying is why OP gave up alcohol.

Butt-chugging is rough on a body. I'll probably never ever ever ever do it again.

how does your boss think you're an alcoholic if they call you SOBERman?

bc a lot of people who are going sober and get support for it are alcoholics. Example- my family has a party every month my uncle (who has a long record of alcohol abuse) stays sober.

out of curiosity, why did you give up alcohol op?

Why wouldn't you? It can easily ruin your life and health.