News to me

By Redhottt6 - 05/08/2016 01:24

Today, I received a friend request from a boyfriend I hadn't talked to in 20+ years. A few minutes later, he messaged me a picture of himself with a young woman at a strip club. My daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 969
You deserved it 1 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So is he dating your daughter; is she a stripper there; or did he just happen to run into her there?

One_In_Three 24


So it sounds like he either ran into her there or she's a stripper? Follow up is needed!!

Justinspires 5

Wow. That's ROUGH.. Let's just say he has good taste in women????

We need full story.. This could be movie all together

Scientist can scour the Arctic for decades and find nothing colder than this.

Is she his daughter? Is she underage? If she's the stripper, did you know she was working as one? Was he abusive to you when you dated in the past? Do you have reason to suspect that he will hurt your daughter either as revenge or because he is generally abusive? Time to start asking yourself those questions, and depending on the answers deciding what, if anything, you should do.

That seems entirely too coincidental to actually be a coincidence.

I really hope your daughter as at least 21.

I think you only need to be 21 if the establishment serves alcohol, otherwise 18, and if you aren't a "dancer" but simply sleeping with your mom's ex, the age is 16 in most of the US.