Do not pass Go

By Anonymous - 16/08/2023 08:00

Today, I've hated being a parent ever since I was baby-trapped at 17, but I stuck through it and never let my son suspect how I really felt, and we have a great relationship now he’s an adult. Well he just moved out yesterday, and today my wife told me she’s pregnant. Here we fucking go again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 357
You deserved it 1 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Christina Winden 22

If you were using birth control and it failed then FYL, but if your wife got pregnant simply because you couldn’t be bothered to take the necessary precautions that’s on you man.

I mean, that sucks and I sympathise, but… what were you doing to make sure this specifically didn’t happen again, and why did it fail? Because if your assessment of getting baby-trapped the first time around is correct, what was stopping your wife from doing it twice? Is termination an option available that you have discussed?


I mean, that sucks and I sympathise, but… what were you doing to make sure this specifically didn’t happen again, and why did it fail? Because if your assessment of getting baby-trapped the first time around is correct, what was stopping your wife from doing it twice? Is termination an option available that you have discussed?

Christina Winden 22

If you were using birth control and it failed then FYL, but if your wife got pregnant simply because you couldn’t be bothered to take the necessary precautions that’s on you man.

You…uh, you do know how that happens, right?

Sdog 6

God damn, that sucks man. Hope for the best for you.

Why didn't you get a vasectomy if you didn't want more kids? Why was this never discussed with your wife? It would have been cheaper than divorce, child support, and alimony. No sympathy. Resounding YDI.