By Monkeyless - 02/05/2012 03:59 - United States - Providence
Same thing different taste
By goldfish - 06/03/2012 02:47 - Canada
By Anonymous - 13/12/2011 13:57 - Norway
Summer vibes
By milksquad - 17/07/2017 14:11
By Username - 18/02/2011 05:19
By Anonymous - 13/11/2018 05:00
By bl3ur0z3 - 03/09/2018 22:00
By cande - 01/12/2009 03:22 - United States
HOAs suck
By Slivered - 18/11/2009 09:50 - Canada
By brokeass - 13/06/2012 12:29 - United States
By fuck! - 16/05/2023 18:00 - United States
Top comments
Wow... what the hell could a bunch of shrimp possibly do?
#18 like Pinkie and the brain?
who new monkeys could even swim i mean, weird
71 - You've been on sea monkeys trails since you were 12? That's impressive.
38, love the south park reference!!
71, you got "their" right once, how can you f$&k up the other three times?? Honestly, kids don't listen in school these days...
@71 we're taking over the world and there's nothing you can do!
Has nobody seen what happened to Phineas and Ferb's sea monkeys?
Though they aren't TECHNICALLY pets, Furbies can also make good companions.... Or they can give you nightmares.
Most places won't allow an aquarium of any sort because the danger of it possibly breaking and causing water damage. Although, the chance of that happening is quite slim. You would think they would allow it what with it being such a small bowl. Most sea monkeys I've seen have lived in particularly small habitats, so they must just be pricks...
@110 You must've had a sad childhood :(
On that exotic ish huh ?
Huh indeed. Your comment is hurting my brain.
Get fish and sea monkeys and keep it a secret!!
Managers never walk into apartments randomly anyway
I used to live with a crazy chick in an apartment that didn't allow pets. Even though she had 2 cats, 8 mice, a hamster, and many fish. Needless to say, she's single. Lol.
Who the **** keeps a seamonkey as a pet?
Hey, watch it. Sea monkeys are very cool.
guess they're not hip enough
Sea monkeys are bad ass. I loved watching them grow :)
76- I am in love with your icon. :) Rat reminds me of my father though. Lol
Sea monkeys rock!
What about pet rocks?! :D
8-Pet rocks are the best! They're just so gneiss. Sorry, I had to make that joke, granite, it's not a very good joke. Seriously though, pet rocks were a genius, multimillion dollar idea.
They were also invented in my hometown lol. You're welcome stalkers. ;P
I have 5. 5 that I have found left on my pouch
USB pet rock
You could be a smartass and get an animal, then tell your landlord you never pet it, therefore following the "no pet" rule. Otherwise, just don't sweat the petty stuff, and wait until you get your own house to acquire an animal companion.
Also don't pet the sweaty stuff.
Well that ruins my plans for today...

Wow... what the hell could a bunch of shrimp possibly do?
What about pet rocks?! :D