News to me

By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 20:35 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor for a sports physical. I've had a giant, dark birthmark on my left ribcage that I've hated most of my life. Recently I've learned to embrace it and show it off by wearing bikinis. My doctor saw it and told me it's a fungus that's been spreading on my side all my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 427
You deserved it 7 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manoverboard 0

Why didn't any other doctors notice this?

lukewarmocha 0

:( doctors should have caught it before


3P0N1N3 0

That's not an FML! That's fecking awesome!

magichatmat 0

At least you know it's treatable - obviously a birthmark is just something you gotta live with, but a fungus can be easily treated.

Elizzy2007 0

This is a lie... either it would have been found earlier...or you would be dead by now... if you get something like that you wouldnt live past a year...

There are many types of fungal infections that are not dangerous at all, this is most likely what she has "Tinea versicolor, also called pityriasis versicolor, is a common fungal infection of the skin. The fungus interferes with the normal pigmentation of the skin, resulting in small, discolored patches."

dont worry i have a quite noticeable birthmark on my left side aswell and it looks hiddeous its cos i had an opp wen i was a little girl and by now its saposed to be just a healed over slight scar thing but now its gone all red, big and bleachy. im glad you embarase yours ive always been embarressed to wear bakinis cos of my birthmark :( soz to hear about it being a fungus

I'm 15, I wear a bikini, and I've never had a physical. I don't find this unrealistic. FYL!

your 15 and you havent had a physical before?! thats frickin nasty. hopefully you havent spread any viruses to anyone.

I didn't have a physical until I booked my first gyno appointment at 18. The last time I had been to a doctor for a general checkup before then, I was probably around ... 10? I don't find this unrealistic. Also, tinnea versicolor kind of looks like a sun burn/sun rash... it probably goes unnoticed in a lot of people.

Hurt16 0

I'm 17 and never had a physical my doctor says I can't have one untill I start haveing sex....